Although most smoking-related illnesses are caused by inhaling the tar in tobacco smoke, it is addiction to nicotine that prevents most smokers from quitting. In an effort to decrease the incidence of smoking-related illnesses, lawmakers in Sandonia plan to reduce the average quantity of nicotine per cigarette by half over the next five years. Unfortunately, smokers who are already addicted to nicotine tend to react to such reductions by smoking correspondingly more cigarettes.
The information above most strongly supports which of the following predictions about the effects of implementing the Sandonian government's plan?
政府想要通过减少香烟中的尼古丁来减少人们对于香烟的依赖。但是!但是!人们尼古丁有依赖,当香烟中的尼古丁减少他们会觉得欲!求!不!满!所以才会吸更多的烟来满足自己。所以我自己从这个argument中得出的结论是,大家并不会戒烟而且会越买越多。但是选项中没这个。B:那些没有烟瘾的人会抽更多烟。不对,我们讨论的是有烟瘾的人。 C:和我们的分析相反!排除 E:戒烟的人会多了,也不对 我觉得比较迷惑的是D,那些尝试戒烟的人中,成功戒烟的比例会减小。那要达到这个“成功戒烟的比例减小”我们需要成功戒烟除以尝试戒烟的人,然而分母是不确定的。简而言之就是当出现“比例”我们都要三思。这个时候我们返回去看A,这些对尼古丁上瘾的人吸入的tar不会减小。那么我们之前分析过,有烟瘾的人会抽更多的烟,也就是会吸入更多的tar。这个A比较合理的