Lightbox, Inc., owns almost all of the movie theaters in Washington County and has announced plans to double the number of movie screens it has in the county within five years. Yet attendance at Lightbox's theaters is only just large enough for profitability now and the county's population is not expected to increase over the next ten years. Clearly, therefore, if there is indeed no increase in population, Lightbox's new screens are unlikely to prove profitable.
Which of the following, if true about Washington County, most seriously weakens the argument?
LIGHTBOX这个公司,几乎整个washington county的电影院都是它的,计划在五年内增加两倍的荧屏。然而电影院的流量对于现在来说是盈利的,未来人口不增长的话,新增的电影院将不会盈利。
A 尽管人口预期有小改变,断言人口趋势是年轻化,更富裕和更喜欢娱乐的人口会出现。 支持
B 零食和饮料 杀
C 选择电影上映 杀
D 买碟看的不增长,一点关系都没 杀
E 没有人口中心在郡里,所以没有影院是LIGHTBOX所属,没有关系