Over the past five years, the price gap between name-brand cereals and less expensive store-brand cereals has become so wide that consumers have been switching increasingly to store brands despite the name brands' reputation for better quality. To attract these consumers back, several manufacturers of name-brand cereals plan to narrow the price gap between their cereals and store brands to less than what it was five years ago.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls into question the likelihood that the manufacturers' plan will succeed in attracting back a large percentage of consumers who have switched to store brands?
前提:因为价差,越来越多的客户选择了超市自有品牌,放弃了大工厂品牌麦片 目标:To attract these consumers back 措施:narrow the price gap B:已经 switched to store-brand cereals 的客户对其品质很满意——即使成功缩小价差,他们也不会回来了 对于D,我的理解: narrow the price gap 是手段,不是前提,其可行性可以削弱的——D有削弱作用,但不如B 比较: D:手段不一定可行(price gap不一定能narrow) B:无论手段可不可行(无论price gap 大or小),客户都不会回来了