A mosquito bite can transmit to a person the parasite that causes malaria, and the use of mosquito nets over children's beds can significantly reduce the incidence of malarial infection for children in areas where malaria is common. Yet public health officials are reluctant to recommend the use of mosquito nets over children's beds in such areas.
Which of the following, if true, would provide the strongest grounds for the public health officials' reluctance?
A:Early exposure to malaria increases the body's resistance to it and results in a lesser likelihood of severe life-threatening episodes of malaria.
B:Mosquito bites can transmit to people diseases other than malaria.
C:Mosquito nets provide protection from some insect pests other than mosquitoes.
D:Although there are vaccines available for many childhood diseases, no vaccine has been developed that is effective against malaria.
E:The pesticides that are most effective against mosquitoes in regions where malaria is common have significant detrimental effects on human health.
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A:Early exposure to malaria increases the body's resistance to it and results in a lesser likelihood of severe life-threatening episodes of malaria.
episode发作 解释题 原文中P推导不出C,选项需要给出另外一个P来推出C。 解释为什么蚊帐可以减少M感染儿童,健康学家却不推荐。 确实很费解,原文有矛盾,需要一个合理的解释。 答案首先不能反前提,其次给出另外一个合理的理由,使得科学家不推荐变得合理。 A早期接触M可以提高抗体,导致收到严重M的威胁变小。给出了科学家不推荐的另一个合理的解释。(这个P使得C更成立) B蚊虫可以传播除M以外的病毒 不能使C更成立 C蚊帐可以提供对除了蚊子以外的其他虫子的保护 不能是C更加成立 D没有疫苗对M好 都是和C不相关 E杀虫剂在M多的地方有效 还是和C不相关,(不能使C更成立)