The milk of many mammals contains cannabinoids, substances that are known to stimulate certain receptors in the brain. To investigate the function of cannabinoids, researchers injected newborn mice with a chemical that is known to block cannabinoids from reaching their receptors in the brain. The injected mice showed far less interest in feeding than normal newborn mice do. Therefore, cannabinoids probably function to stimulate the appetite.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
milk含有can,can可以作用于大脑,具体作用是什么有待研究。研究者做实验,加入一种可以抑制Can的chemical之后发现实验对象的胃口下降。 结论:Can的作用是促进appetite。也就是说Can和appetite正相关。 assumption: 就是要找到取非之后可以weaken原结论的,即证明C和apprtite无因果相关性。取非E选项,注入的化学物质会单独影响食欲,说明实验对象无胃口不是缺少can物质引起的,而是注入的化学物质引起的,这样就找到了第三方因素,取消了原结论的因果相关性。