In Kantovia, physicians' income comes from insurance companies, which require physicians to document their decisions in treating patients and to justify deviations from the companies' treatment guidelines. Ten years ago physicians were allowed more discretion. Most physicians believe that the companies' requirements now prevent them from spending enough time with patients. Yet the average amount of time a patient spends with a physician during an office visit has actually increased somewhat over the last ten years.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy between physicians' perceptions and the change in the actual time spent?
在某地医生的工资来自保险公司 保险公司要求医生记录看病和诊断的过程 但是医生们说十年前他们有更多的时间诊断而现在的规定让他们没有足够的时间 可是事实上是病人年看病的时间增加了在这十年间 问解释
A病人更可能在人多的时候来并且不喜欢等太久 说的是病人在什么时候来喜不喜欢等待 这和原文无关 原文没讨论类似的东西
C医生更可能集体工作分享晚上和周末工作 这说的是医生怎么工作 和原文无关
D更多的病人更相信医生还是保险公司 病人相信谁的问题原文没讨论
E医生多看病人对他们经济上有好处因为保险公司有付钱 说的是医生收入问题 原文没谈