In Patton City, days are categorized as having heavy rainfall (more than two inches), moderate rainfall (more than one inch, but no more than two inches), light rainfall (at least a trace, but no more than one inch), or no rainfall. In 1990, there were fewer days with light rainfall than in 1910 and fewer with moderate rainfall, yet total rainfall for the year was 20 percent higher in 1990 than in 1910.
If the statements above are true, then it is also possible that in Patton City

B、C说1990年降雨量小于2 inches(小雨或中雨)的天数大于或者等于1910年,显然与题目给出的已知条件相悖,排除
D选项说1990年下的中雨的总量大于1910年的两倍,由于中雨是1-2inch,即使1990年每次下中雨都是2 inch,1910年每次都是1 inch,但是由于1990年下中雨的天数比1910年少,所以不可能达到两倍,排除