In Rubaria, excellent health care is available to virtually the entire population, whereas very few people in Terland receive adequate medical care. Yet, although the death rate for most diseases is higher in Terland than in Rubaria, the percentage of the male population that dies from prostate cancer is significantly higher in Rubaria than in Terland.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the disparity between the prostate cancer death rate in Rubaria and Terland?
比较的百分比是the percentage of the male population that dies from prostate cancer
B T地男人没办法得病,因为达不到病发年龄 (论证链条 T的病人数少,即便治愈率低,死亡男性占男性比率比高患病率高治愈率的R的要低)
C 不健康不会增加得病风险。(premise--医疗条件越好,人的健康程度越高,即R的general health高,T的general health低。)此项勉强属于部分支持或中立,说明T的低医疗条件并没有让T男性的患病率增加,因为正常现象是健康程度越低越容易患病即R的患病率要比T低。但是并没有说明为什么T的死亡率比R的低。
E R地死亡率高的原因是没有好好利用health care。那么意思为health care可以一定程度正向预防或治疗此病。说反