
Because ethylene dibromide, a chemical used to fumigate grain, was blamed for the high rate of nerve damage suffered by people who work in grain-processing plants, many such plants switched to other chemical fumigants two years ago. Since then, however, the percentage of workers at these plants who were newly diagnosed with nerve damage has not dropped significantly. Therefore, either ethylene dibromide was wrongly blamed or else the new chemicals also cause nerve damage.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A:If the new chemicals cause nerve damage, the nerve damage caused would be different from any nerve damage that ethylene dibromide may cause.
B:There are no chemical fumigants that are completely safe for workers in grain-processing plants.
C:If ethylene dibromide causes nerve damage, it does not take two years or longer for that damage to become detectable.
D:Workers at grain-processing plants typically continue to work there even after being diagnosed with nerve damage.
E:Workers at grain-processing plants that still use ethylene dibromide continue to have a high rate of nerve damage.
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正确答案: C:If ethylene dibromide causes nerve damage, it does not take two years or longer for that damage to become detectable.

ED 会使人得一种病 于是呢,就换了其他的材料来使用,但得病率也没有下降。所以说,并不能让ED来负责,或者说新的材料也可以使人得病。

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A If the new chemicals cause nerve damage, the nerve damage caused would be different from any nerve damage that ethylene dibromide may cause. 造成的伤害不同 无关比较

B There are no chemical fumigants that are completely safe for workers in grain-processing plants. 在这项工作中,就没有完全安全的化学香薰 无关选项

C If ethylene dibromide causes nerve damage, it does not take two years or longer for that damage to become detectable. 如果ED造成伤害,不会2年或者2年以上才能被检测到,也就是说现在你有这个病,你就能被检测出来,所以后面出现的新的病人就是后面换了香薰之后造成的,而非之前的ED造成的。正确

D Workers at grain-processing plants typically continue to work there even after being diagnosed with nerve damage. 即使被检测出来有病,也会继续工作 无关选项

E Workers at grain-processing plants that still use ethylene dibromide continue to have a high rate of nerve damage. 如果继续使用,得病率依然很高。无关选项


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