Congress has passed a law that scales back the tax credits offered to purchasers of hybrid cars. Because of this, the number of hybrid cars sold each year, which has approximately doubled in each of the last five years, is likely to flatten in the next few years.
Which of the following statements, if true, most weakens the conclusion that the number of hybrid cars sold annually is likely to flatten in the next few years?
A:Most people buy hybrid cars for reasons other than to save money in the long run.
B:Recently published studies have shown that hybrid cars cost significantly more to repair and maintain than do comparable traditional cars.
C:Gasoline prices are projected to fall over the next few years.
D:Hybrid vehicles have a reputation for having less power than comparable non-hybrid vehicles.
E:Manufacturers have significantly increased their budgets for advertisements touting the fuel efficiency of hybrid cars.
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A:Most people buy hybrid cars for reasons other than to save money in the long run.
P: 国会通过了法案,削减混合车的税收优惠。(潜台词:买混合车会更贵) C:接下来几年混合车的销量会有下降。 假设了:价格上涨导致销量下降。 我们的目标是要削弱:说明价格上涨不会导致销量下降 或者 直接说明销量不会下降 A: 人们买车的不是因为经济因素(潜台词:贵不贵不会太影响销量),攻击了假设,削弱了文章 我错选了D:油在接下来几年预测降低(目标是说明混合车价格和销量的关系,我说油价并跟文章没有什么关系,因为不能评价价格和销量的关系,就算有关,油价下降=买油车的人多=买混合车的人少,第一,其中两个等号相当于两个假设,都不能确定假设能被支持。第二,就算假设都成立,说明的也是油价跟混合车的销量关系,不是混合车价格和销量的关系,无关)