Any health care plan that does not cover comprehensive annual checkups is risking the lives of its members, who are unlikely to obtain care that is not covered by their health care plans, and who may have conditions that, if not detected early, are more likely to become fatal.
The argument above logically depends on which of the following assumptions?
A:Health care plans cannot save lives unless they also cover medical procedures that treat any potentially fatal conditions that are detected.
B:Many potentially lethal conditions are likely to be detected during an annual checkup.
C:Doctors who perform comprehensive annual checkups charge high fees, such that health care plan members cannot afford checkups that are not covered.
D:People who are members of health plans are more likely to have potentially fatal conditions than those who are not members of health plans.
E:People are less likely to purchase a health care plan that does not cover annual checkups, thus negatively affecting the insurers` profitability.
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B:Many potentially lethal conditions are likely to be detected during an annual checkup.
1:一个公司如果提供全面的checkup,那么他的员工就没有生命风险(员工不会自己去检查+不检查小病会成大病) 2:assumption题目如果有明显的断层,就一定要找到这个GAP;这里就是这种情况 3:这里身临其境,假设自己是员工,公司提供checkup,我就没有生命危险,那么这种checkup一定会检查出我的毛病才可以,而且后期要治好 4:这里的B选项说明可以找到潜在的病,弥补了GAP